Contact us to gain a deeper understanding of the principles behind the Overseer model and request technical documentation.

Overseer Annual Report 2024
Overseer is at a pivotal moment as we transition from startup to a growth focused, financially sustainable business. We have maintained financial stability with prudent management in a year marked by challenge and complexity.
OverseerFM updated to version 6.5.5
OverseerFM version 6.5.5 now models nitrogen uptake below 600 mm by deeper rooting plants when there is a nitrogen deficit above 600 mm.
New analysis shows downward trend in nitrogen loss from Canterbury dairy farms
An independent statistical analysis of data from the country’s most comprehensive farm management tool shows a downward trend in the amount of nitrogen loss per hectare from dairy farms in Canterbury.
New report backs OverseerFM
An independent evaluation of OverseerFM shows farmers, growers and regional councils can have confidence in the nitrogen leaching estimates from New Zealand’s most comprehensive farm management tool.
OverseerFM provides a guide to relative risk
Prominent rural consultant Alison Dewes has been using OverseerFM for more than a decade.
Arable industry lauds OverseerFM update
A major update to the way OverseerFM models crops has been welcomed by the arable industry.
OverseerFM updated to version 6.5.1
This model change features significant enhancements to the modelling of methane (CH₄) emissions from effluent management systems and nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions.
OverseerFM’s farm impact report adds value to farm plans
Farmers and growers can utilise OverseerFM to test, compare and model different farm management approaches and create a tailored report to use in their farm plans.
Overseer science programme
Overseer is pleased to announce that we have completed three science research projects investigating and updated where necessary the Overseer science model.
OverseerFM farm account subscription price change
Overseer Limited will be increasing the OverseerFM annual farm subscription price on 1 July 2022 to $680+GST.
Overseer Limited submission on Te hau mārohi ki anamata – Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future
Our submission covers the agriculture and forestry sections of the Te hau mārohi ki anamata – Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future discussion document.
Overseer Limited updates strategic direction
A new statement of strategic direction for Overseer Limited provides certainty and confidence for the primary sector.
Overseer judged incorrectly for something it was never designed to do
Overseer is committed to continuing to work alongside regional councils in their vital role of delivering improvements to the state of New Zealand’s waterways.